Why is a case study of Shared Media needed?

A significant number of material changes have occurred during the last couple of decades: Mobiles are ubiquitous and in almost everyone’s pocket bringing instant communication. Social media has both brought us closer together and changed the nature and speed at which we communicate. The pandemic followed by financial pain has caused almost everyone to re-evaluate what they do and how they do it.

SMEs have little time and less money so it’s essential to identify and offer guidance that is clear, concise, straightforward to implement, and above all affordable yet still delivering a good return on their time and effort.

Most changes bring opportunities with winners and losers. This study aims to assess Micro and SME Shared Media marketing in the context of these changes, test the realities of using these new opportunities, identify useful and affordable techniques and then share the results so that SMEs can learn from current practice.

Although small businesses are at a disadvantage to larger ones who have greater economies of scale, deeper pockets and can either buy in services or employ dedicated resources, marketing is your unfair advantage that's available to all and this study attempts to redress the balance for all SMEs.

Shared media is anywhere your products and services can be shared. If you've delivered exceptional service then your customers can share their praise on any number of places from word of mouth, social media and review sites such as Google Maps and Tripadvisor. For more information please see Advertising media - or Where can I place my advert for FREE?

Making it easy for customers to leave reviews is an easy way to win new business

Why Broadway Market

Size matters. Having a significant number of SMEs in one location makes it easier to conduct the study, share experiences, and reduces costs.

By joining forces - and the collective nature of Broadway Market - any outcome should be easily visible. Useful traits, techniques and tips will be more easily identified and shared.

Although small businesses are significantly disadvantaged by larger brands, the collective nature of Broadway Market offer businesses a significantly larger voice.

It's also my local market.

Reviews are often helpful and influence both new and existing customers

The Study

Every business in Broadway Market was invited to take part, they all received an information pack, a number of feedback cards and brief training on how to identify and invite reviews.

The information pack contained:

  • the purpose of the study and why it’s important
  • why Broadway Market
  • the three main types of advertising media and why Shared media is so valuable
  • why qr codes are essential to create point and click links
  • and tips on using the feedback cards

The information pack is free to download

Customers take notice of independent reviews


Keeping costs to a minimum is essential for SMEs. Commercial applications are cost effective if you're an agency or professional designer, but for ordinary use open source alternatives exist so Scribus Desktop Publishing Application was used to create the information leaflet and feedback cards and printed using local supplier The Wimbledon Print Company.

Scribus has an excellent manual so it's easy to get started and use for the majority of people.

You can download the feedback PDF and Scribus files. Please note that the content and images relates to Broadway Market and this study and are for information purposes only.

Reducing the barriers to leaving reviews is an easy way to win new business

Behavioural Science

Tools such as QR codes have been available for many decades. It's how you use them in an easy and natural way that that fits into your customer flow that makes a difference. That's Behavioural Science

Why is Behavioural Science and QR Codes a good match?

It's subtle but essential to know the difference between where am *I* and where *am* I. In "The Big Four" Hercule Poirot said it more succinctly it's not "who *he* is" but "Who he *is*" that's important. See Where am I for more info and how Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass makes sense of our world.


The following links were used for the study.

Trip Advisor

Google Maps

Broadway Market